Claudia Colliva


Sky News Instagram

2022 Italian Elections

In the lead-up to the 2022 parliamentary elections in Italy, I created and curated a series aimed at helping voters understand the positions of different political parties on certain issues that were central to the political debate, including minimum wage, nuclear energy, cannabis and citizenship reform. Each post contained an overview, followed by a more detailed breakdown of each position.

Good News its FRIDAY

I also created and curated a series called “Good News its Friday” that consisted of a colorful summary of some of the most hopeful and heartwarming new-stories of the previous 7 days, to end the week on a positive note.

History and Culture

Finally, I curated many “explainer” posts, each with tailored illustrations that I crafted in collaboration with our graphics team, which explored a particular topic of general interest, often linked to an occurrence such as a national holiday, an anniversary or a news event.

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© 2025 Claudia Colliva

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